Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Playing catch up

It never fails that I get behind on this thing!

Addi turned 4 months on May 4th! She is growing perfectly, even on the tiny side. She weighed 13.4 lbs. She is around the 30th percentile on her growth chart compared to others, but the doctor wasn't concerned at all! She was wearing size 2 diapers and eating 6 oz. 5 times a day! The doctor told us we could start introducing fruits and fruit juice. So, I started! She wasn't a big fan, but introducing new things always take time!!

She rolled over around this time, too! I feel terrible that I can't remember the exact date. But, on May 18th she did it a second time! She rolled from front to back! I was so proud of her! Grammy, Pop, and Mama were all cheering her on! (she LOVED that)
Cousin Danaka's wedding!

Date night for mommy and daddy!

We are happy we turned 4 months!!

Feeling the sand for the first time!

Very first time trying cereal.. We weren't a fan.

LOVE bath time!

Trying to master rolling from back to front.