Sunday, April 21, 2013

Easter weekend

Uncle Kenson and Hannah bought Addi her Easter dress. On accident, they bought a size 6 mos. We put it on just for pictures because you can't tell it's too big :) She LOVED to play with it! I have such a happy baby! Every time we said "hi pretty girl", "your so pretty", or "bright blue eyed girl" she smiled SO big! You'll see how big I'm talking about. Love her so much!!

Could this smile get any bigger?!

Guess so! :D

Ya-Ya got her a bumbo!!

Addi and her Ya-Ya

Birthday celebration!

I turned 22 on March 27th. It was a special birthday, being a mommy and all! :) Loved my birthday celebrations! Bramie, Clint & Mel, Kyle, GG, and my parents all got together at the house and ate yummy finger foods and played games! Addi and Aubrey were there too, of course! :)

I want that baby!

Sweet girls!

Sarah and I went out on Saturday night to dinner and then the stockyards! We had a good time together and saw a few friends at the last place we went!

Best friend, Sarah

Diapers and Formula OH MY! & other random pics :)

This little girl has my heart wrapped around her finger! Here are some pictures that you may or may not have seen! 
Gena (Addi's Ya-Ya) threw Kyle, Addi, and I a diaper AND formula party! What a genius idea! Her family and friends didn't come to the baby shower so she wanted a "meet and greet" for them! We got a ton of diapers and formula out of it! Also, it was such a good time seeing all the family! :) So many wonderful women (and men) Addi will grow up around! We ended up with about 15 tubs/cans of formula and about 10-15 boxes/pkgs of diapers! We were so blessed!

4 generations!

Talking up a storm to her toys!!

She loves her cousin Aubrey!

St. Patricks Day! :)

Catching up! 2 months!

Addi girl was 2 months on March 4th! She weighed 10 lbs. 14 oz. and was 22 in. long! She is 50th in weight, and 45 in height! At two months she was still eating about 4-4 1/2 oz. 6 times a day! At 2 months she had her first set of vaccinations! She didn't like the poke (or maybe it was the feeling of the vaccine going in) but she was over it quickly! So stinkin' proud of my baby girl! She is so easy! She started sleeping thru the night about 10 weeks of age! I swaddle her and put her in her big girl crib and she did perfect!


To the moon I go!!

Before Addi turned 2 months she got sick and we had to go to the hospital! Grammy and Pop watched her one Friday evening, and she wasn't eating normal, but wasn't fussy or anything. All she wanted to do was sleep. She wasn't warm and didn't feel feverish so no (mental) alarms went off that night. I woke her up about 8 the next morning and she was very hot and didn't want to eat. Took her temp and sure enough, 102.4. Dad drove Addi and I to the hospital and Kyle met us there. Because she was under 2 mos old they had to do ALL tests. Spinal tap, blood work, snot test, etc.. It was HORRIBLE to watch the spinal tap, but when she looked me in the eyes before they did it, I knew I couldn't leave her. They said the thing that really bothers them is the position they have to be in, and the fact that they are held tightly so she couldn't move. The initial poke may be a little painful but nothing too bad. Turns out, they couldn't get any fluid. They put her on fluids for about an hour and tried again. Still couldn't get anything.. :( they decided to switch docs to see if she'd have better luck, and she was able to get just enough. All her tests were okay, but her chest x-ray showed a possible upper respiratory infection. They admitted us for 2 nights to watch over her, and all was well Monday morning! :)



First REAL smile!

She was SO happy that morning!

Just chillin in my boppy!

What in the world is that?!

Just sharing secrets with Aunt Mel!

Happy 2 months my sweet Angel!

It's been AWHILE!... 1 month

Addisyn turned one month on February 4th! She weighed 9 lbs. 7 oz. and was 20 3/4 in. long! If I remember correctly she was eating 4 oz. 6 times a day! She started smiling around 5 weeks of age! Such an early starter! :) A lot has happened since then so I won't make these posts long! Just wanted to post a few stats and pics!